All of our upcoming events:
FREE Resource Fair on 12/10/2022:
When: Saturday December 10th, 10 AM to 1 PM
Where: 511 Thornhill Drive Suite E, Carol Stream
Learn more about the resources being offered:
HAF (English, Spanish)
Please bring most recent tax returns + W2, 30 days pay stubs, utility bills for proof of address, and Lease Agreement if you rent
LIHEAP (English, Spanish)
LIHWAP (English, Spanish)
Please bring: Proof of income for all household members for the past 30 days, Social Security cards for all household members or ITIN, DuPage County can assist clients without Social Security numbers by obtaining an ITIN number for the application, Utility Bills (gas, electric, water/sewer), and Lease agreement if you rent
SSIP/IFSP (Spanish+English)