Housing Resources

DuPage Pads
Looking for a place to stay? DuPage Pads is on a mission to end homelessness, working with families and community members to provide of interim and permanent housing.

DuPage County Housing Support & Self Sufficiency
DuPage County provides long and short-term Case Management and limited housing assistance to prevent and end homelessness when funding is available. Eligibility for housing assistance is determined by available funding sources.

Housing Rights for Immigrant Tenants
The Latino Policy Forum has created an in depth guide covering basic housing rights and policies for immigrant tenants living in Illinois, regardless of immigration status. It includes tenant protections, landlord responsibilities and obligations, and free housing resources. It also offers descriptions of legal processes and the right to interpreters/translators in legal proceedings, as well as other means for immigrant tenants to defend their rights and report unequal treatment.

360 Youth Services
360 Youth Services is proud to offer housing to youth experiencing Homelessness. Through our Emergency Youth Shelter, Transitional and Rapid Rehousing Programs, and Cornerstone Group Home, we serve young people ages 13-24 and work side by side with young people to ultimately transition to independence. Our programs use Housing First practices and the lens of harm reduction, trauma-informed care; we affirm BIPOC and LGBTQ individuals and utilize positive youth development to help young people access housing, support services and skills needed to break the cycle of Homelessness.